Sunday, March 28, 2010


I was finally convinced to try this relatively new way of "staying in touch". Unfortunately, I've found that I don't really have a whole lot of friends. Hell, I even have family members who don't acknowledge me. I guess, as my Dad used to say, "you made your bed, now lay in it". Trying to make up for past mistakes is more difficult that I thought it would be. It seems as though no matter how hard you try, some people never forget mistakes that were made. My greatest comfort is I now have my best friend in the world with me, and his family and friends have been more support to me than my own family. I know that what is wrong with me physically cannot be cured, and I am looking at the end. I had just hoped to make amends with some.


  1. Vickie,
    This is a great way to let your feelings be known and as you know Gene is closer to me than my own brother. That makes you my favorite sister in law. keep writing. keep opening up, keep letting us get to know you.

  2. There are the families you are born into. You can't chose them nor change them. But then there are the families that you collect around you. We call them friends or lovers, but they're your real family. They are where the love, respect, caring, sharing, support all come from. Your choosing Gene says a whole lot about you both, since that's the family you made. From the little I know, it's all good and you're both lucky to have each other.

    Keep writing!
