Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Waiting Game

As of today, the numerous blood tests,cat scans, and pre-surgery tests have been completed. I am scared poopless, with Tuesday being the endoscopy/colonoscopy. I am grateful that they're knocking me out for this one. My better half tries to make light of it all, and since having been with him for close to 16 years, I know he has a habit of doing that when he too is worried about something. We are hoping that I will give birth to an 8 pound benign tumor. I just pray I don't come out of the anesthesia and be told that I won't be going home since this is an outpatient procedure.


  1. Vickie,
    Please know that are and will be in my thoughts and my prayers to the Great Spirit. May the blessing of good health be once more yours and may you rejoice in the love of a Damn good man and your friends.

  2. I too will be thinking/praying about you today. On the bright side, the tumor won't need 2AM feedings, diaper changes, an I Pod and college tuition. Please let us know what you find out as soon as you're up to it. We'll be waiting - as Steve says - with minnows on our tongues.
